Cas : RollerMouse a été une combinaison surprenante de confort et d'efficacité

RollerMouse has been a surprising combination of comfort and efficiency

I work much of the day, either remotely, or in an office environment in front of a laptop using a multi-screened setup and often for hours on end without moving much. Multi-tasking, efficient communication and (accurate) speed of engagement is often paramount to success in his role and therefore anything that can help with these areas is invaluable.

Chris Willman
Head of Regional Marketing


Comfort and efficiency

The key motivator behind the technology and products Chris uses as part of his work setup, is centred on things that can really optimise his efficiency – but remain comfortable doing so in the process – and it was for this very reason he decided to try the Contour RollerMouse.

Chris also has issues with back pain and finds that things like bad posture or an uncomfortable workstation just make things worse, so he was keen to look at ways to help reduce that.

RollerMouse Red plus and a Balance Keyoard from Contour Design

"I had hoped to improve my posture by using the RollerMouse and help reduce some of my back pain, but now I’m used to using it, it’s made me a lot faster at multi-tasking across-several programs and speeding up my workflow."

A new way to do more

“For years I’ve used numerous ergonomic style mouse and keyboard products and whilst they can be great, the constant moving and adjusting of my posture to operate a mouse probably doesn’t help my posture, and in turn, my back pain. I was trying to find something that would encourage me to sit better whilst working, but predominantly I was keen to explore newer technology to give my working efficiency a further boost."

"I’ve used keystrokes and shortcuts for years to navigate between programs and execute tasks, but love discovering new ways to do even more and new tech that helps me do it."

The Functionality of the RollerMouse

Improving workflows and efficiency

After using the Contour RollerMouse for a couple of weeks Chris slowly began to adjust his habits away from previous patterns with a traditional mouse and he started to see substantial benefits in using the RollerMouse. Taking time to learn the shortcuts and some more of the more advanced functionalities and macros available with RollerMouse took some adjustment, but really proved worthwhile in helping to improve Chris’ workflows and efficiency.

Read about our centered mouse here.


Une combinaison surprenante de confort et d'efficacité

"Certes, il m'a fallu un peu de temps pour changer mes habitudes instinctives d'utilisation d'une souris de conception plus traditionnelle, pour rompre avec la mémoire musculaire ancrée depuis longtemps, mais une fois que je l'ai maîtrisée, les avantages ont été fantastiques. J'avais espéré améliorer ma posture en utilisant la RollerMouse et contribuer à réduire certaines de mes douleurs dorsales, mais maintenant que j'ai l'habitude de l'utiliser, elle m'a permis d'être beaucoup plus rapide pour effectuer des tâches multiples sur plusieurs programmes et d'accélérer mon flux de travail. "

Dans l'ensemble, Chris a déclaré que la RollerMouse a été une combinaison surprenante de confort et d'efficacité et que, bien que légèrement sceptique au début, il a trouvé un grand avantage à adopter la Contour RollerMouse dans sa configuration de travail.


À propos de RSA

RSA est l'une des marques les plus importantes et les plus respectées dans le domaine de la sécurité et de l'identité au niveau mondial et un élément clé de la famille Dell Technologies. Les solutions RSA Business-Driven Security sont conçues pour détecter et répondre efficacement aux attaques avancées ; gérer les identités et les accès des utilisateurs ; et réduire les risques commerciaux, la fraude et la cybercriminalité.

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